John Zwyner
Where have you lived since high school? - -MA, TX, PA, NY, OH, MA, CN, ID, CO, IN, IL, TN, FL, PA, FL, GA, SC, NY, MI, IL, NY, PA, SC, NV, SC, NY, AL, IL, WI, WA, NM, OH and NY
What careers have you pursued as an adult? - Boiler Engineer, USAF Officer, Meteorologist, Procurement Engineer, Electrical Design Engineer, I&C Eng, Contract Engineer, Nuclear Gypsy, Electrical Assembly and School Bus Driver.
If you are a traveler, what is your favorite place or experience? - Too many to mention.
Have you achieved something you never thought you would? - Still Alive
How would you title your autobiography? - You wouldn’t Believe It, If I Told You
What proverb, quote, or philosophy of life would you like to share? - Marsha is never boring
If you’re attending the reunion, how many miles will you be traveling? - 275 miles
What was your favorite place to eat during high school? - Durkin's Diner
Current email address -
Current mailing address - 315 Grannis Road, West Monroe NY 13167, (315) 668-9164